Jassim Zubari, My grandfather and the elder of the Zubari family has passed away last Sunday after his health took a turn towards the worse.
My Grandfather was a smart man. He was proud and just. He was a great calligraphist, well traveled and was very kind.
My grandfather was a man of few words. Way too few. He always kept to himself. I guess I take after him in more ways than one.
Rest in Peace my Grandfather.
1918 - 2007
23 June, 2007
12 June, 2007
Do not press FORWARD, Press SEARCH

I just got this in the mail, It's in Arabic, I'll transelate after:
الإخوة الكرام ارجو الانتباه لهذه المعاني
أولا: المسجد ويسمى بالإنجليزية MOSQUE وهي تعني بيت البعوض ومن الضروري تسميته Masjid .
ثانيا: كذلك مكة تسميتها ب MECCA وتعني بيت الخمر ومن الضروري تسميتها MAKKAH
ثالثا: أيضا عدم اختصار اسم سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بMohd وهي تعني الكلب ذو الفم الكبير أكرم الله نبينا وأعزكم الله ومن الضروري كتابة الاسم كاملً مثل MUHAMMAD
OK, What this is telling Arab Muslims is that:
- They shouldn't use the word "Mosque" because it means mosqueto house! And it should be called "Masjid" as it is called in Arabic.
- That they shouldn't spell the holy city as "mecca" because it means "the house of liquer" and thus must be spelled "Makkah".
- And lastly, that we should write the name of our beloved prophet as Muhammed and not to abbreviate it to MOHD because that latter means a wide mouthed Dog/
This is of course pure, grade A, utter BULLSHIT.
I know many people just forward this out of good will but please oh please do not spread ignorance! Hell, Islam says that we should verify news and you don't! Just go do a google search, a wikipedia search and look in the dictionary. For Goodness sake, it took me 5 seconds to verify that this is bull.
Remember when a stupid rumor got out that said "Pokemon" means "I hate god"? Immediatly all "Pokemon" material got banned from several countries and the show stopped airing.
Please oh please, DO NOT press forward. Press Search.
Tim Allen Stars in my movie!
Well, It's not really "MY" movie, but, Allen will star in David Mamet's "Redbelt". This film is supposedly a "martial arts drama". Now Tim is a comedy guy basically (you all know him from "Home Improvement") and I have no idea how him being in a "Martial arts Drama" would be. The plot isn't very clever I'm afraid.
Redbelt is "the story of Mike Terry (Ejiofor), a Jiu-jitsu master who has avoided the prize fighting circuit, choosing to instead pursue a life of honor and education by operating a self-defense studio in Los Angeles. Terry's life is dramatically changed, however, when he is conned by a cabal of movie stars and promoters. In order to pay off his debts and regain his honor Terry must step into the ring for the first time in his life." Allen will play "a troubled action star with marital problems who meets the master when he is getting pummeled in a street fight."
See, that does seem like countless martial arts action flicks. But Ah! This isn't Action! Its DRAMA! Say it with me, Dra-ma.
Well, I like Tim, and Mamet made decent films in the past. They better do my nick name good! I have to wait until 2008 to know.
My laptop is dead
The laptop was purchased early 2004 and was quite impressive despite the lack of bluetooth, wifi, and only 64M graphics card.
It underwent major life threatening surgery in 2005 as the motherboard died, the surgery was performed at Jarir Bookstore in Khobar, KSA and was long, but successful.
Several flavors of Linux were installed on the late device all in a bid to ease it's breathing as he was suffocated with Windows XP.
The Acer leaves behind a Dell PC, a Nintendo Wii and a Sony Ericsson P990i and a frustrated owner.
R.I.P. LM 1315
You will be missed
Defend your PS3 with a Samurai Sword

Damian Fernandez, a Karate brown belt, used a samurai sword to scare off a burglar who was after his PlayStation 3 video game console.
2 Burglers broke in and started looting. They say an empty PS3 box and began looking for it. One of them got into the room where Damian was and went out, then: "Once I saw him take off running back, I jumped off my (bunk) bed and I grabbed my sword … and I just waited for him," he said.
One of the men were arrested. Anyhow, that is the most fitting way to defend a PS3 in my opinion. Wouldn't you say?
09 June, 2007
08 June, 2007
I was away for a bit wasn't I?
My last post was about me going on a racing course by Marlboro, and that I did. Was lots of fun and we returned on the 24th of May. What kept me busy however was the fact that I got married on the 25th! So, I'm the new happy groom and was busy moving things about to my new apartment. Hopefully, that means more logical rants.
Any gifts are, of course, highly accepted and appreciated. You can find a link to my wish list at Amazon on your right. If not a simple remark would do in the comments section. :)
My last post was about me going on a racing course by Marlboro, and that I did. Was lots of fun and we returned on the 24th of May. What kept me busy however was the fact that I got married on the 25th! So, I'm the new happy groom and was busy moving things about to my new apartment. Hopefully, that means more logical rants.
Any gifts are, of course, highly accepted and appreciated. You can find a link to my wish list at Amazon on your right. If not a simple remark would do in the comments section. :)
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