It just strikes me as Ironic that university level students of an AMERICAN COLLEGE can't spell properly in English!
I'm sorry, I just realized this makes absolute sense, I take that back.

"These are SeaMeWe-4 (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe-4) near Penang, Malaysia, the FLAG Europe-Asia near Alexandria, FLAG near the Dubai coast, FALCON near Bandar Abbas in Iran and SeaMeWe-4, also near Alexandria."
Al Qaeda use two Down's syndrome women to blow up 73 people in Baghdad markets
Al Qaeda fanatics plumbed sickening new depths yesterday when they turned two women with Down's syndrome into human bombs to kill 70 people in Baghdad.
The unwitting pawns were apparently fooled into wearing explosive vests which were then detonated remotely by mobile phones as the women mingled with crowds.
I am speechless. If you can muster a word, leave a comment.
Alexandria, Wednesday,
A ship's anchor accidentally cuts two cables, SeaMeWe 4 and FLAG Europe-Asia reducing internet capacity in Asia by 75%