Ah, 7th day of the games, that was fast.
The stadium was jam packed despite the rain. My ticket was for QR 650, still people of all races and Qatari's most importantly of all ages and genders were strongly represented.
If you notice the picture on the right, you will see a huge blue wall.
That turned out to be the screen.
Being a Naive Bahraini, I thought it would be some sort of a projector screen. Poor me.
This turned out to be a PLASMA TV WALL (courtesy of their sponsor S
amsung). An honest to god wall of plasma TV's!
In a recent documentary, the show director commented that there is not a single similar screen in size in the world.
Khalifa stadium however, has three.
One in the centre, one to the left & another to the right. Everyone in the stadium can see them.
The show naturally was amazing, cables were flying, lights dancing, people parading. It was simply stunning.

Beneath each and every guest was a metal box shaped like a traditional embayat box (صندوق مبيت), in it there were audience participation tools. It had a lighted pearl, light sticks and bracelets, lighted fans, confetti cracker, an honest to god real Mirwas drum, and several flags and the like.
It is very clear that Qatar spared no expense and most importantly, spared no effort in holding this tournament. 

The audience enjoyed great songs by Chinese, Indian, Arab & a Spanish performer (A double CD is out for QR 110).
The cauldron & the lightning of it was the main attraction. The cauldron, was shaped like an Astrolabe, and was beautifully done.
The torch itself was a huge neon lit tower besides the stadium.
The person who lit the Cauldron was non other than the Amir's
son, who by the way, trained in secret. No one knew that he will be the one to light the cauldron, as he trained veiled lat at night.
The person who lit the Cauldron was non other than the Amir's

He is of course the captain of the Equestrian Endurance team, a position that he proved his ability to hold when he surprised his own father, the Amir, and the entire Khalifa stadium by bolting on top of his trusty steed up the stairs and wet slopes.
The stadium gasped and were holding their nerves as the steed slipped on the wet slope nearly throwing the young Amir from its back. But he held on. and arrived to the top with great applause. You can see the video of that below.
More dancing ensued, everyone was happy, the torch was finally lit and everyone left Khalifa's stadium jolted, on edge, hyper and unable to bear the wait until the start of the games of our life.
Thank you for a beautiful description!
Thanks Qatar Cat.
It was a great opening ceremony and I just gave credit where its due.
The plasma tv wall is awesome!
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