Chichén Itzá, Mexico
Christ Redeemer, Brazil
The Great Wall, China
Machu Picchu, Peru
Petra, Jordan
The Roman Colloseum, Italy
And Finally
The Taj Mahal, India
Well how about that? That is a rather fine list isn't it? I might have chosen the Kremlin instead of the Redeemer myself, but still, It does deserve to be there. I know very little of the Machu Picchu and I'll definatly read more about it. Congratulations are in order to my Jordanian brothers, Alpetra is amazing and is well deserving of its place.
Runners up included the Acropolis, Statues of Easter Island, the Statue of Liberty and Sydney's Opera House.
This list is ridiculous, there's nothing "modern" about any of these things. I'm not saying they're not wonders, I'm saying that they have no place on a "modern" list of wonders. Some of them are just as old as the ancient wonders.
its a wounder they aint got better images. and yea. you cant call these modern. Heres some examples of what should be on the list. please add to them.
1. International Space station,
2. The partical Colider at CERN
3. The BlueGene/L super Computer
(add more here)
It never said they had to be modern did it? I'm fairly sure there's another list for wonders of the modern world anyway...
Well, the point was to choose "replacment" wonders. Since it is chosen in the present, that world be the "Modern Wonder List". Where the word "modern" refers to "list" not "wonder". Got it?
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