I have officially been cited to appear in front of the Sixth Minor Criminal Court. What is the charge? Allegedly, a pebble flew out from my tyre and hit another car's wind shield.
This charge is so bogus and trivial, I cannot believe it is real. You can read about it in the original post here. This was last May.
No I have been cited with the following charges:
- Caused by mistake to cause damages in properties of others
- Drove the vehicle while unregistered
- Did not take utmost care due when driving
I answer as follows:
- Well, it was my mom's car, I had no idea if it was or wasn't registered. The owner of the car should be responsible for that and it is usually a fine not a criminal offense.
- What on EARTH is the "due care" I should take to stop pebbles from flying off my tyers? Fix a damn Hoover on the front bumper?
I suspected that this might be actually be a scam. Last May, several police officers called me several times, long phone calls may I add, to try to persuade me to pay BD 10 "for this poor poor man!".
Are they scaring citizens to do so? I swear if it was my mother she'd pay on the spot. But they had to get that stubborn blogger.
My trial is on 11th Dec. @ 9 AM. I am inviting anyone who could use a laugh.
thats ridiculous. i pity the fools (ie, our muroor)
That is very stupid. Not to mention time wasting.
Sorry to hear that .. I have had my windshield cracked because of a 'flying pebble' but didn't think I could sue anyone..
If I were you and since they were wasting your time anyway .. I would sue the Baladiya for they are the ones responsible for cleaning roads to begin with!
I told the Murror that and they were shocked, like "how dare he!!".
so what was the result?
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