A "Space Science Centre" spokesman announced that a Middle Eastern Branch of the centre is to open up in Bahrain by mid 2010.
The Centre is to have fully working alien monitoring systems and be prepared to respond for alien attacks with the latest UFO's and the newest Grendizer models.

When asked of how safe the middle east is of alien attacks, Dr Umon said: "We have reasons to believe that Vega Aliens are targeting this region. They do have rising interests in oil. The alien spies amongst us have also developed a palate for "Machboos" which lead us to believe that an attack may happen in the next 5 years. We are watching the region closely and will move from our Fuji Mountain base should there be any need to before our project is complete".
The "Space Science Centre" is over 30 years old and was founded in Fuji mountain, Japan. It successfully thwarted Alien Vega assaults over Japan in the Mid 80's. Vega has not been active since.
youre so cute. ha. ha. ha.
Is this a real?? wala is it a joke??!!!
U know I believe stuff.. although the "machboos" thing made it seem like a joke!!
I am oficially gonna kill myselfn ow. Good bye world.
oo.. so it's not!
Tara min 9ejii.. I was just gonna "fooshir" 3ala people here saying that - for the first time - Bahrain is gonna have something new (& interesting, though it seemed redicilous)before Dubai!!!
U kno how im not involved with those Grandizer stuff! Plus, everything is possible.. haha!
get a life
Do you have one?
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