Anyone who knows what DBZ is will be hugely disappointed (search you tube).
For example, this is what the real hero (Son-Goku) looks like:
Yes. I know. And, no you cannot erase the image from your head. I tried clawing my eyes and banging my frontal lobe to the desk for 15 minutes, still there. Sorry.
This man (Justin Chatwin) is a very sorry excuse for a Goku. He looks like one of these freaky new teens we see in Seef mall now. you know, yaza3am "privet skool" and thiks he's 7adda kool? Thats the one.
Heck, even fans got better results, look at this fan pic:

They could do all that in post production you know :P with bigger hair, muscles and downright rage into his face
he looks like a lost puppy
Post production? They might as well do it all in CG with the amount of work they need.
And BTW, corrective note:
The picture I showed isn't of the actor as I said, it is of his stunt double. But the actor looks the same anyway, so, meh.
simple dont watch the movie just keep on living in ur cartoon life !
Good news!! We do have a petition against this movie right here!!
No Kidding!
I'm definitely signing!!
I'm sorry, but to the poster; Goku was a young, skinny, happy go-lucky kid. Not a muscles bulging, rage driven killing machine.
I hate the hair from the live action picture. You can't make dragonball hair in real life and make it look good, the cosplay pic looked just as bad imo because of it. Just give him normal, slightly spikey hair, and your fine.
Last; A petition to stop a movie from being made? Just...just no, ok? Some people do hate anime into movie adaptions, but some like em. Simple answer? Don't go see it if you don't want to. Problem solved.
Hey nick, thanks for dropping by.
Goku was a happy go lucky kid in Dragon Ball. In Dragon Ball Z he is a man, married and muscular.
The pic from the cos play was nice but I agree with you it is too much. I believe that an anime can be an amplification of reality, your suggestion for a live action hero appearance is spot on.
As for the petition, it is a bit much, but on the other hand studios must stop simply getting licenses and then doing a f***ed up job just to cash in. You do know that no matter how bad the movie is, it will still rake in money, then they are going to do it again! Then move to other licenses and they would never know what a pile of BS they are creating.
But thanks for disagreeing with me in a civil manner. You are welcome here anytime.
uh wow. it is pretty obvious that is not justin chatwin and therefore a fake picture. gasp!
now although i do agree this film will most likely destroy everything cool about dragonball, i'm not going to prematurely base that opinion all on an image that isn't even from the movie.
even though tis is not a real pic from the movie. i read about the movie and it story and excuse my french, but im ready to fuckin riot. its not even dragonball, or dragonball z for that matter. its a gay not good mash up between the two. there are so many things wrong with the story and dont let me start on goku. it makes me angry. Anime should stay just that ......animated.
You are right. Turns out this is NOT Justin, however, this guy is his stunt double. Which means he would more or less the same.
As with all Hollywood adaptations, be it a comic book hero or the Da Vinci Code, fans will riot.
But so long as it makes money people will do it.
If you had the chance to do it Jey and it would get rid of your debt, buy you a house and a Ferrari, you'd do it too!
thats not justin...
maybe the budget pruduction couldnt afford hairspray n hairgel
true. justing chat win looks nothing like that. your picture looks more like a stunt man. i think the whole thing is going to be cool. come on the effects are being made by the producers of the matrix and 300. i know im definitely watching dragon ball when it comes out.
Do we have a choice? We're fans. We're gonna watch it anyway!
I would have never imagined a live action DB movie for the life of me. It was a huge shock when I found out. As a kid, I remember watching the old toonami shows, and DBZ was a definite favorite. And so, i'm a bit worried about the movie. if it's bad, it'll be a huge blow to my childhood right there...but i'll keep an open mind. I'll probably watch it.
I know what you mean Mai.
I'm guessing due to how special DBZ is and how different it is from other animated shows, fans are afraid of the outcome. DBZ is very fantastical and exasperated that real life or real imagery usually do not doe justice. It's like doing a live photo of a serialisim painting
i loved dragon ball when i was a kid.
i never missed one episode. so i really hope the film turns out really good. But the one thing that got me really pissed off was is the age rating PG. WAT THE f***k IS THAT ALL ABOUT.
I say give the movie a chance anyway
. really soon dragon ball z would be coming out. and we all want to see the super sayin with cooler effects come guys
well it's supposed to be a young goku. Hence how it's name DragonBall not DBZ :)
And I don't remember goku in db with huge muscles :)
omgg..this is badd i dont understand y they just cudnt make the movie animated..all the characters have such strong images its soo weirdd to see real humans doin the part.. and besides its the first dragonball so it should be a boy playing goku not a full grown man!! and for the ki bombs how they gonna picturize that?? Also, there is no super saiyan in dragonball.. so the picture with his blonde hair is not gonna be in the movie for sure..atleast i hope not..
y are righthis guy does not look like Goku but he looks like a gohan dont y think so ??
I've loved DB since I was a teen, I personally am excited about this movie and it's possibilities. As for everyone complaining about how they'll ruin DB, welcome to the rest of the Fanboy world. I've been reading books and comic books for almost two decades now, and they've been making plenty of adaptations of those two for a while now, some are awesome, some aren't worth a pile of dog crap. But really, it's a bit presumptuous and stubborn to claim to hate a movie before you've actually seen it. Take the Wolverine movie next year, I feel with little uncertainty that they'll rip it to shreds, but I'll go see it before I judge it. Really, it's just nine bucks, and if you hate it, go back to watching the cartoons. or become a trillionaire and make the movie right.
Tom> yes, his face might pass off as Gohan. But I was informed that the picture in this post is of the stunt double, not the actual star.
Anyway, if they wanted to do Gohan (or young Goku) they should have picked a bratty kid rather than a teen. I mean Goku was SHORT! AND a KID!
Anon directly over this remark> You do raise a valid point, but in my opinion they are diviating way too much. If the movie is called (Dragon Ball) I want to see a kid as the star. If the movie is called (Dragon Ball Z) then I need someone with an Olympic Gymnist body. If you look at the live action picture and the Anime Goku you can see easily how crappy the outfit is. We as fan of different comics and Manga have been bitten before. Different adaptations like what Batman & Spiderman did can be successful. But most adaptations that stray away from the storyline just suck. Remember Final Fantasy movie? Even though it was done in CG, it had NOTHING to do with Final Fantasy. I am afraid this will happen again here.
Aren't they supposed to be Asian? Maybe I'm alone in thinking they should be an Asian cast probably because it's a Japanese show. That's probably one thing that irks me. I hate how Hollywood does this to Asians. And there's never any outrage. No offense but if it were a black guy changed I guarantee everyone would know about it.
The other being if the storyline is for little children because the US views anime as kiddie cartoons. Which I will gladly say is a trend slowly beginning to fade.
Truthfully I have no intention of watching this movie, but I will keep an open mind and if I hear good reviews from Otaku fans or people who, like I, have grown up watching the Japanese version I may consider watching it.
I'd just like to add that I do think that making anime and such into live action films is a very difficult thing to do. It has to be done just right so that you keep the heart of the original so fans of the original will accept it but at the same time update it to get some of new people into it.
The fact that Stephen Chow alone is one of the people behind it gives me some hope. In case I haven't made it clear I do hate most of the casting (especially Goku), but at the same time I do understand how difficult it is. To me it just seems that they didn't try hard enough.
In the end there's nothing we can do to stop it from being made. If anything the only thing left would be to boycott but that does seem a little too drastic. If it does suck I know I'll be dusting off my collection and having a DB/DBZ/DBGT marathon to forget it ever happened.
Well umm... Yeah.
Never thought of it until now really. You're right!
To be fair, SOME of the actors ARE Asian.
Take a look at this Justin Chatwin is really Goku as much as I hate to see it.
That's creepy!
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the idea if a real live db movie... that justyguy?? O.0 WTF!?!?!?!? soooooooooooooo not cool...and i heart that gohan goten trunks and vegeta ain't even going to be in it... they are going to distroy dbz in this movie WHAAAAAAAAAAAA :@ sooooooooo not cool... I'l just go and look at the real deal now:P GO DBZ!!!! (but not the movie...LAME!!!)
sorry but i like this movie, and yeah justin si good! and he´s better be! movie ownz
This is just one of those thing I call, discrimination. Yes, SOME of the cast are Asian, but hell the MAIN CHARACTER's not. SO YEAH!
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