15 April, 2008

Redbelt - The Movie Trailer

Some of you may remember that Tim Allen (of Home Improvement) is starring in a martial arts movie that has the same name as my nick name.
Before I start throwing all kinds of name infringement law suits on their asses, I -out of the kindness of my soul- decided to give them a chance to make a decent movie worthy of carrying the same name as my marvelous internet alter ego...
ah, well...
Here is the trailer, make up your own mind.


Ammaro said...

is it gonna be called REDBELT or THE REDBELT?

because if its the second, theres a big chance they need to call you to buy the domain, cha ching ching!

Redbelt said...

Just Redbelt Ammar.
Anyway, even if, didn't you see the trend in movie URLs?
they'd call it www.redbelt-themovie.com
or something.